Monday, November 11, 2013

My Hero



My Dad flew in the bombing raids over Germany during World War II which classified him as an Mom DadAmerican Hero. He lived longer than most men born when he was and we are happy for the extra years, but I have another perspective

on his time with us. He made it through all the training, bombing runs, explosions and dangers to come back to be with my mom. Dad avoided another encounter with death when some of his co-workers at Detroit Edison returned from lunch and by chance entered the wrong work area and were killed by high voltage. Dad was not working with them that day. God’s hand was on them through the war and his return home and orchestrated my deliverance into my parents care by adoption. I was chosen, accepted, loved, trained and saved by my parents. To me they were my parents there was no distinction between them and maternal parents. I was giving the best life a child could have and there are times when I wish I could go back to them. My Dad is a hero for more than shooting things down and blowing things up. He is a hero for what he did after that as well. He raised a family, love them, cared for them, protected them. He was more than a hero he was my dad. He loved us until his last day with us and still loves us today and we will always love him. Love never fails.