Thursday, January 25, 2007

Stop The Light Is Green

I went to a meeting this morning and it was a long drive and everyone was driving like they had just stopped at Micky D's and had to juggle coffee that was as hot as the surface of the sun and unborn chicken mcmuffin. Maybe I am being a bit too critical expecting people to know the difference between the brake and the gas pedal. Maybe we should rethink the term gas pedal. With the price of gas draining our bank accounts and loan offices opening in gas stations we should reposition our thought process. People could have an aversion to "Stepping on the gas". We could call it the "go" pedal or the "achieving our dreams" pedal. You could call it anything. How about "Launching Britney Spears into space" pedal. The auto companies could get into a whole new wave of customization. You could put the pictures of your least liked sub-humans on the pedals. Quick hit the Michael Jackson and let's get out of here. You could even have his nose fall off. I have my own theory of why my drive quality has taken a serious nose dive. A few years back the government had a great money saving idea. Close the nut houses and let everyone out. I think they gave everyone a drivers license on their last day. "Here's your license thanks for staying with us". "Here is your license, let us know how you are doing, remember to pay attention to the traffic signals and take your medicine". "Remember George W is for stop and George W is for go".

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