Thursday, January 25, 2007

Stop The Light Is Green

I went to a meeting this morning and it was a long drive and everyone was driving like they had just stopped at Micky D's and had to juggle coffee that was as hot as the surface of the sun and unborn chicken mcmuffin. Maybe I am being a bit too critical expecting people to know the difference between the brake and the gas pedal. Maybe we should rethink the term gas pedal. With the price of gas draining our bank accounts and loan offices opening in gas stations we should reposition our thought process. People could have an aversion to "Stepping on the gas". We could call it the "go" pedal or the "achieving our dreams" pedal. You could call it anything. How about "Launching Britney Spears into space" pedal. The auto companies could get into a whole new wave of customization. You could put the pictures of your least liked sub-humans on the pedals. Quick hit the Michael Jackson and let's get out of here. You could even have his nose fall off. I have my own theory of why my drive quality has taken a serious nose dive. A few years back the government had a great money saving idea. Close the nut houses and let everyone out. I think they gave everyone a drivers license on their last day. "Here's your license thanks for staying with us". "Here is your license, let us know how you are doing, remember to pay attention to the traffic signals and take your medicine". "Remember George W is for stop and George W is for go".

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

God Save us from the Media

I will never forget listening to the news radio and hearing the reporter proclaim that one of the major auto companies is producing a new six cylinder V8. What is it with the facts and the media. They are like the opposite ends of a magnet. Anytime they get close together they push away. It must be some kind of physics thing. Like brains opposing intelligence. Another time I heard a reporter ask the inevitable question after a plane crash. "How did you feel about that?"
Oh I felt great, nothing like a plan crash to start out the day. Loss of life, death, dismemberment, yep. Gives you that warm and fuzzy feeling.
Where do these media people get these intelligent questions. They must get up in the morning and look in the mirror and ask themselves "What stupid question can I ask today? What if one of the other TV reporters asks a question better or more rediculous than mine?" Think about the Weather reporters job. They are usually wrong and they don't get fired or sued. Did I mention they get paid lots of money as well? One of our local TV reporters was arrested for driving the wrong way down the expressway, which the competing TV stations were quick to point out. She was back on the air in about two weeks, acting serious and probably not covering drunk driving stories. I wonder if it is an unwritten rule. If you get caught doing something you can't report on it. How about reporting on yourself. Just bring the camera along with you and whenever do something of note, just do a story on it while you are in the process. "Here I wam Bell going beast bound in the wes boun wanes. Dis is a goot exam..exam..shoot you know mean, of what a little drinky winky can do to mess up your driving. Here its somethin else. I see blue spots in my eyss". See ya!!!!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Don't Piss Off The Aliens!

I always like to look at things from both sides. For instance I was watching a movie last night about a creature from another planet that was brought back in a spaceship from Venus. He was still in its' cocoon or something, but eventually was born into this alien world. So what is the first thing we do? Slap the creature in a cage and cart it off for study. Then we find it grows uncontrollably because of something in our atmosphere. So what is the logical thing to do. Shoot it with a gun and stab it with a pitch fork. Welcome to earth.We hope you enjoy your time here, which won't be very long. It's time for your initiation. Then we clever earth people find out that we can't kill it that way so we shoot it a lot more. We finally gain control of it with electric current so we can study this amazing creature. Now keep in mind this creature doesn't eat people or animals and only attacks when it is attacked. Sort of like most animals on this planet, but it isn't from this planet. As usual someone cuts the current and the, now, gigantic creature wakes up and tries to make his escape. In keep with our policy of making it feel welcome we chase it with tanks, bazookas and, of course, the army. Now look at this from the other side. What would they on the creatures planet. Let's personalize this a little and call him Phil. "Did you hear what happened to Phil? He was abducted by aliens and taken to their planet and he got sick and grew to ten times his normal size. Then they locked him in a cage and didn't feed him. When he escaped they chased him down and killed him. We had better keep on our guard. We could be invaded by Earthlings"."Now you know there is no such thing as Earthlings".

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Billy Mays

Have you ever wanted to grab a TV spokesperson by the neck and squeeze. Billy Mays brings that urge out in me. I'm sure he grabs the attention of most people. The only thing I want to grab is the remote to turn him off. It's a sweet feeling when he disappears off the screen and peace and solitude return. Sometimes I day dream about taking the indespencable jar opener and putting it on Billy's head and twisting until he promises to whisper in all the commercials. What kills me the most is his probable income. This guy is probably pulling down some big bucks. So he is getting paid to irritate me. So here is my chance to get my digs in. Billy, you and me and the jar opener. You are on notice.

Monday, January 8, 2007

Space Their Final Frontier

Isn't it ironic that the people that get to go out into space are the ones we want to bring back. Look at the anxiety,work and hope that went into bringing Apollo 13 back to us. I could think of about 13 people that we could send and no one,well almost no one, would care if they ever came back. Of course there would be decenters..................we could send them too, problem solved. I could enjoy this. Let me strap them in the rocket. Shoot who needs straps they aren't coming back anyway. Here you go Mikey, a banana and bottle of water. Save the water until you are almost there. I understand it's really hot on the sun. Do what you want with the banana, although I can imagine. No need for testing equipment. Hey, if is doesn't work, NEXT! We'll get it right eventually. Hey George got anything going next week. How about an all expense paid trip.

Hard Times

Means serves the end

Click on picture to enlarge.

Welcome to Corporate America

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